jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

Semana Santa...Holy Week in Ciudad Real

For Roman Catholics the liturgical celebration of Easter begins with Lent (the Spanish "Cuaresma"), the preparation of the believer for the annual commemoration of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ during Holy Week.. In Spain the Holy Week is very special in the Christian tradition: It begins with Palm Sunday which commemorates Jesus´entry in Jerusalem, and the most important days during the week are Holy Thursday and Good Friday which commemorate The Last Supper and The Crucifixion. During the whole of Holy Week street processions are organised in most Spanish towns each evening and Nazarenos carry statues of saints and biblical scenes on wooden platforms with solemnity and grace.In Ciudad Real we have a good religious celebration and you will be welcome if you join us these days. Acércate y disfruta con nosotros de nuesta Semana Santa: si quieres más información pincha en el enlace "Semana Santa".

2 comentarios:

Michael Toora dijo...

Prado, el gatito de los comentarios es una monada.

Luis Minguez Alarcón dijo...

¿Son las tres fotos de Ciudad Real?

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